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A Comprehensive Introduction to Water Footprints, Arjen Y. Hoekstra, 2009

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Business Climate Resilience: Thriving Through the Transformation, WBCSD, 2019

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Business guide to circular water management: spotlight on reduce, reuse and recycle, WBCSD, 2017

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Business Guide to Water Valuation: an introduction to concepts and techniques, WBCSD, 2015

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CEO Guide to Water, Building resilient business. WBCSD, 2018

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Good Practice Handbook on Cumulative Impact Assessment and Management: Guidance for the Private Sector in Emerging Markets, IFC

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Green Bonds: What's New, What's Next, and Why Does it Matter?, by Tom Manning, Senior Research Scholar, NYU Stern, Centre for Sustainable Business, December 2019

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Making consistent impact: Environmental Trends, Best Practice and Supports, Business in the Community Ireland, 2014

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