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Supply Chain & Sustainable Procurements

 European Commission,  Study on due diligence requirements through the supply chain, final report

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2019 Sustainable Procurement Barometer: From Compliance to Performance

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A Guide to Traceability: A Practical Approach to Advance Sustainability in Global Supply Chains, UNGC, BSR, 2014

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An Introduction to Sustainable Procurement,  Darina Eades, Business in the Community Ireland., 2012

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Climate and Supply Chain, The Business Case for Action, BSR, 2018

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Decent Work in Global Supply Chains — A Baseline Report, UNGC, 2018

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Missing Link: Harnessing the Power of Purchasing for a Sustainable Future, Carbon Trust, BSR, 2016/2017

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Responsible Supply Chain Management, Potential success factors and challenges for addressing prevailing human rights and other CSR issues in supply chain of EU-based companies, Marjon van Opijnen, Joris Oldenziel, Centre for research on Multinational Corporations, 2011

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Supply Chain Sustainability: A Practical Guide for Continuous Improvement, Second Edition, BSR, UNGC, 2015

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The EPRM Due Diligence Hub, Tailored due diligence resources for your responsible mineral supply chain

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The Supply Chain Leadership Ladder, BSR Maturity Model for Supply Chain Sustainability, 2019

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The Supply Chain Leadership Ladder, BSR, 2017

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Value of Sustainable Procurement Practices, PwC, EcoVadis, INSEAD Social Innovation Centre, 2010

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