CSR Stakeholders Forum

CSR Stakeholder Forum is a vision-driven, independent, informal, voluntary initiative established in Georgia in line with international best practices. It aims to create a platform for multi-stakeholder dialogue and cooperation on issues related to policy and practice of Corporate Social Responsibility.

The Forum brings together multiple stakeholders from private, civil, and public sectors such as: civil and international organizations, business associations, private sector representatives, educational/academic establishments, employee unions, public law legal entities, and government agencies.

Existence of multistakeholder consultative bodies on CSR and sustainability policy issues is a widespread practice in western developed countries, particularly in the European Union.

The Forum’s mission is to contribute to multi-stakeholder dialogue on CSR and promote CSR-enabling policy and an institutional environment to facilitate Georgia’s sustainable development and European integration.

The CSR Stakeholder Forum in Georgia is established within the frames of the Civil Society STAR Initiative (CSOs as Sustainable, Transparent, Accountable and Resilient Development Actors in Georgia) implemented with support of the European Union (EU) and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS).
