
Global Compact Network Georgia launched the first magazine Sustainability Spotlight

Global Compact Network Georgia launched the first magazine Sustainability Spotlight


Global Compact Network Georgia launched the first magazine on the topic of corporate sustainability in Georgia – Sustainability Spotlight.

The magazine reviews examples of responsible business behavior locally and internationally, as well as shares the views of representatives from various sectors on the latest trends in corporate sustainability.

In the first issue: Covid-19 and a New Era for Business, among other interesting news you will find articles on why corporate sustainability is a good business practice, sustainability, as a driving force of entrepreneurial activity, good examples of responsible business behavior. In addition magazine introduce government's vision, initiatives and activities in the field of sustainable development.

Besides, here you will find information about impact of COVID-19 on society, economy and environment, how business is coping with crises and what to expect in future. How we can rebuild economy and where to start? - These and other questions are answered by representatives of the government, business and academia.

Sustainability Spotlight was published with financial support of Swedish government. Sponsors: Orient Logic, MBC, Georgian Business Platform and Eastern European University.