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Preparation of Sustainability Report (CSR Report) in accordance with GRI Reporting Standards

Preparation of Sustainability Report (CSR Report) in accordance with GRI Reporting Standards

Since 2015 CSRDG is a proud member of the GRI Community and supports introduction of the sustainability reporting practice in Georgia.

Transparency and accountability are integral parts of corporate social responsibility. Increasing number of Stakeholders – investors, customers, employees, international organizations, or Governments – require from companies to report on social and environmental aspects of their activities.

Sustainability Report (CSR report) is a document where a company publicly discloses information to the society and the stakeholders about economic, social, and environmental impacts of its operations, its objectives, ethical principles and values, CSR programs and performance in all three areas of sustainable development.

Over the last few decades, corporate social responsibility reporting has become widely accepted practice. 93% of the world largest companies, and around three quarters of large and medium companies around the world publish their sustainability reports. A growing number of responsible investors refer to the information in sustainability reports when evaluating company performance.

Sustainability report in not solely a communication tool, but it also helps the company to improve inter-organizational management of responsible business operations, identify and manage the risks more effectively and seize opportunities.  

There are several reporting formats, out of which, Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) format is the most wide-spread and globally recognized one, used by over 80% of the world’s largest companies. 

Proposed consultancy service offers the companies our expert support in the preparation of sustainability report / CSR report aligned with GRI reporting standards.

Our goal is to assist the company through the entire reporting process, which includes the following stages:

  • Preparation and planning: defining goals of reporting process and target audiences; benchmarking and gap analysis, defining the report boundaries, preparation of the action plan for reporting process etc.
  • Analysis of the existing situation: analysis of the company’s policies, management systems, and practices that determine its responsible business activities and corporate sustainability;
  • Stakeholder engagement: Identification and prioritizing stakeholders, planning and management of the communication process;
  • Materiality analysis: Identification of material issues and topic prioritization;
  • Defining the report content based on stakeholder feedback, materiality analysis, and benchmarking
  • Data collection for the report in accordance with GRI requirements: defining the data collection process, gathering and processing data
  • Designing the report structure and drafting the text
  • Post-report publishing communication and outreach

Our approach is based on participatory principle, which means the client’s active involvement and leadership at all stages.

Main methods applied during this consultancy service: analysis of documents, design of action plans and methodologies, individual interviews, mini seminars and workshops, focus group facilitation, surveys, meetings with management representatives, providing feedback and recommendations on the report text.

We will provide you expert support at each stage of reporting cycle, will help you adhere to the requirements of the GRI reporting standards and maximize the internal and external value of the reporting process and its outcomes for your company.

For more information, please contact us.