CSR themes

Relations with Employees & Labor Practices

Relations with Employees & Labor Practices

From its early stages, responsible relations with employees and protection of labor rights have been one of the core topics of corporate social responsibility. Because employees are valuable assets of each company, their satisfaction, professionalism, loyalty, and motivation are vital for the company.

On the other hand, creating employment, relations with employees and protection of labor rights are important parts of social and economic impacts of each business company. Decent and fair work conditions have an impact on the quality of life of the employees and their family members, their health, as well as social and economic development.

Thus, various stakeholder groups – customers, investors, international organizations, trade unions, labor rights protection organizations, etc. – pay a particular attention to responsible treatment of company employees and adherence to labor standards.

Responsible relations with the employees also can bring various benefits to the company. For example:

  • Retaining the employees and reducing their drain, which eventually increases the company effectiveness and reduces the costs related to retraining the newcomers
  • Increasing employee motivation which translates into increased productiveness and innovativeness of the company
  • Reputation of a desirable employer, that assists the company to attract best talents
  • Reducing legislative and reputational risks that are related to workplace accidents, discrimination related scandals, strikes, etc. 

For these reasons, the company CSR initiatives and programs are often primarily focused on “internal” stakeholders – employees of the company.

Following are main CSR issues in relations with labor practices:

Protection of labor regulating legislation and internationally recognized labour rights

Diversity, non-discriminatory treatment and equal opportunities on labor market and at the workplace

Occupational health and safety

Work-life balance

Social protection, decent wages and benefits system

Employee training, professional development and career advancement opportunities

Determining maximum work hours

Not allowing child labour and forced labour

Freedom of association and right for collective bargaining

Adhering to equality and participatory principles in the management and employee work relations
